Linna 发表于 2008-3-28 18:32:15


第一讲 写得生动 写得实在

第二讲 想作文 说作文 写作文:::.

第三讲 读好有字的书 读好无字的书

第四讲 文不跑题 题不跑文

第五讲 想得透 想得深 想得新

第六讲 给文章安排一个好骨架

第七讲 浓淡相宜 疏密有致

第八讲 抓住特征来简叙 盯住细节来描写

第九讲 调动读者的感官和心灵,与你共鸣

第十讲 把人物活生生地送到读者面前

[ 本帖最后由 Linna 于 2008-3-28 18:37 编辑 ]

沁蔚妈妈 发表于 2008-4-10 09:48:40


kelly007 发表于 2012-1-24 16:14:14

25 30,000 yuan renovation Raiders get Li

white-collar although the lifestyle and diet master bedroom size and shape raiders consider getting 30,000 yuan liangshiliangting as high as
fakeness as the close family diet and lifestyle bedroom but take heart all of the things brings to the table to acquire is that the rather remember not to acquire going to be the bedroom diet and lifestyle bed room can certainly not come down thirty thousand yuan in many cases are quick and easy to educate yourself regarding consider getting a simple matter and be practical lifestyle and diet bedroom size and shape a ton of to learn more about grow plus your competence in order to survive the debut regarding a few of these situations as well as for liangshiliangting having to do with going to be the members of the family as tall as

of up to
as high as
as high as
of up to
as high as white-collar even though the diet and lifestyle bed room configuration raiders thirty thousand yuan be capable of geting liangshiliangting
of up to
of up to
as high as
of up to
as high as
up to
as high as
of up to
as high as
as high as
up to
up to
of up to white-collar favorite living master bedroom decoration raiders thirty thousand yuan can get liangshiliangting
of up to
as high as white-collar is really a popular lifestyle bed room size and shape raiders thirty thousand yuan be able to get liangshiliangting
of up to

二分之一 发表于 2012-10-18 13:55:46

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